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Pet Tinctures

CBD Tinctures

Our Mission Statement:
"On April 20th, 2017, I picked up all my tools from the job I was working on and went home to my farm. I walked out into my field and I raised my hands to the sky and told the good Lord that this was all in his hands and I was just a fisher of men. Our passion is making sure that people know they have an alternative to the evil medications big Pharma. Those medications took my mother's life at the age of 60 and my sister at the age of 21. So I will stop at nothing to bring God's treatment to the people. I hope to stand at the top of the mountain one day to where everyone can hear, THIS IS GOD'S PLANT.
Last year alone we donated over $250,000 in product to our local community, with 75% of that going to Cancer patients and local Veterans. We are here for the people and bringing God's medicine to them."


American Grown & Produced

We offer the highest quality hemp products available, made from extracts grown in the Appalachians. Discover the best alternative health products nature has to offer. We are proud to be a locally owned and locally grown provider located @ 107 East Main st Historic Downtown Jonesborough, TN


Starts at

EastTHC Full Spectrum Hemp Extracts Oil Tincture


Starts at

Made Locally With Love!

Please contact our Main St. location for all questions regarding COAs

Help Educate More People
Seminars Coming Soon!

"In a manner similarly reliable to post-decarboxylation" means in a manner sufficient to quantify
by percentage the resulting THC of a sample if carboxyl groups are removed from all molecules
containing THC within the sample. A manner similarly reliable to post-decarboxylation is
demonstrated by calculation of a post-decarboxylation THC value equal to the sum of the
sample's THC percentage plus the product of its delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCa)
percentage and 0.877;..

You can now Order Online & Manage Account directly from the site!


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Updates / Specials / Events / & More

Downtown Jonesborough

107 E. Main St.,
Jonesborough TN 37659


(423) 268-1084


Must be 21 to purchase Cannabinoid Products.

Events may have special hours!

10AM - 6PM
10AM - 6PM
10AM - 6PM
10AM - 6PM
9AM - 5PM
10AM - 6PM

Let's Stay In Touch


Shipping Policy: United States expect packages to arrive within 2 to 10 days.

Copyright © 2017 | All Rights Reserved.

Products on this site are not approved by the FDA for cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of any disease.

Products on this site are TN HDC (Hemp Derived Cannabinoid) & USDA compliant, containing a value of 0.3% or less Δ9THC.

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